
  • What is MED - Maximum Ethical Distance?

    What is Maximum Ethical Distance (MED)? Maximum Ethical Distance (MED) refers to the farthest distance at which a hunter can confidently and consistently place a shot on a game animal to achieve a quick, humane kill. MED is influenced by...

  • Grains - Bullet Weight - Definition

    What are Grains? Grains (gr) represent a unit of mass commonly used to measure the weight of bullets and gunpowder charges in the context of shooting and ballistics. One grain is equal to approximately 0.0648 grams or 1/7000th of a...

  • What is Bore Line? Definition

    What is Bore Line? Bore Line refers to an imaginary straight line that extends from the center of the bore (interior of the barrel) of a firearm to infinity. In shooting and ballistics, the bore line serves as a reference...

  • What is a Chronograph? Definition & Uses

    What is a Chronograph? Chronograph refers to a specialized instrument used to measure the muzzle velocity of projectiles, such as bullets, fired from firearms. In the context of long-range shooting, a chronograph provides critical data for calculating accurate ballistic solutions,...

  • What is Ballistic Coefficient?

    What is Ballistic Coefficient? Ballistic Coefficient (BC) is a dimensionless numerical value representing the ability of a projectile, such as a bullet, to overcome air resistance while in flight. Higher BC values indicate better aerodynamic performance, resulting in flatter trajectories...