1st GEN: Tactical/Evolution Bipod Locks & Legs

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Shipping is FREE to the USA on any order above $180. This includes all rings and bipod orders.

Shipping to Canada is $40USD.

Duties & Taxes - USA

US Customs and Border Protection may, at their full discretion, apply taxes and duties to imports above $800. If you are placing an order for $800 you should expect to pay import taxes and duties including but not necessarily limited to 3% for bipods and 17% for scope mounts, on any single order over $800.

Taxes and Duties are the sole responsibility of the purchaser. We cannot assist you to avoid these taxes as any interference by us could and most likely would be deemed unlawful and result in severe penalties for us and or cessation of supply in the USA.



If you have a spring loaded leg on your Tactical or Evolution BIpod then you need the Gen 1 bipod feet or legs. Please measure your bipod's inner leg diameter (the thinner section) and include it in the order notes.

2st GEN Feet and Leg Extensions are available here: 


These items are sold separately. If you wish to buy multiple items please select from the drop down menu and click Add To Cart for each item.

These products will work with both the Tactical Bipod and Evolution Tactical Bipod, but not with the FTR Bipod.

Pod Lock - Additional lever, ideal for adjusting torque when operating with gloves, this locking lever can live on the bipod or be detached.

Locking Key - A CNC machined key that fits perfectly over the torque nut on your bipod to apply additional tension to the tilt mechanism. Does not live on the bipod. 


If you have a spring loaded leg on your Tactical or Evolution BIpod then you need the Gen 1 bipod feet or legs. Please measure your bipod's inner leg diameter (the thinner section) and include it in the order notes.

2st GEN Feet and Leg Extensions are available here: 


These items are sold separately. If you wish to buy multiple items please select from the drop down menu and click Add To Cart for each item.

These products will work with both the Tactical Bipod and Evolution Tactical Bipod, but not with the FTR Bipod.

Pod Lock - Additional lever, ideal for adjusting torque when operating with gloves, this locking lever can live on the bipod or be detached.

Locking Key - A CNC machined key that fits perfectly over the torque nut on your bipod to apply additional tension to the tilt mechanism. Does not live on the bipod.